Sunset on Newnes State Forest

July 16, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Sunset on Newnes State ForestSunset on Newnes State ForestPerhaps it will be the end of the Newnes forest if the colong wilderness is successful in extending the Gardens of Stone
Well I finally got to get some photos of the pagodas at sunset. If the Colong Foundation for Wilderness is successful the sun will set on much of the Newnes state forest and become protected with the extension of the Gardens of Stone National Park.
This one is taken from the top of a pagoda with a nice little puddle on top. I positioned to get a nice reflection of the one cloud that was lit up from the sunset.

I have been keen to try out some new techniques. This image is a composite of 6 others all taken at different focal points to achieve infinite depth of field while avoiding diffraction. You can see the image is in focus from a few centimeters from the lens all the way through to the trees on the horizon. A much easier way to get a similar effect would be to use f22 and focus about 1/3 of the way in the image. But that would result in a softer image.

Night all!




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