Transport Heritage NSW Greater Western Tour

August 22, 2015  •  1 Comment

Locomotive 3642 under Wimbleton bridge

Locomotive 3642 under wimbleton bridge colourLocomotive 3642 under wimbleton bridge colourTransport Heritage NSW Greater Western Tour, Locomotive 3642

It was such a beautiful day on Saturday. Felt like spring had arrived early, so I thought I would enjoy a drive and a view of this historic train from the 1930's. It was a tad slower than I thought, so I had a good opportunity to talk to some of the locals also waiting on the bridge just near Wimbledon. Apparently there is a local Koala that lives the the trees just near here. I have never seen a Koala around this region so I might have to head back sometime and have a look.


Locomotive 3642 under Wimbleton bridge in black and white

Locomotive 3642 under wimbleton bridge bwLocomotive 3642 under wimbleton bridge bwTransport Heritage NSW Greater Western Tour, Locomotive 3642

Old stuff always looks good in Black and White right? Would be interested to hear which one you prefer. Personally for this shot I prefer the colour, but for the remaining shots I have posted in B&W. Hope you enjoy.


Driving the Locomotive 3642

Driving Locomotive 3642Driving Locomotive 3642Transport Heritage NSW Greater Western Tour, Locomotive 3642

Now I am not a train person. I must say I was a little disappointed by the lack of steam.. There was a diesel engine on the back which I had heard was just to pull it back to Bathurst. But looking at this image it looks a bit suss. Like there is a little steam jet just behind the main chimney thing.. Is this a 'fake' engine? (clearly I know nothing about trains :) )


Amazing Loco Engineering Amazing Loco EngineeringAmazing Loco EngineeringTransport Heritage NSW Greater Western Tour, Locomotive 3642

It was mesmerizing watching the way the wheels turned on this engine. Took this shot at 2000th of a second to freeze the action.

Second class citizen

Second Class citizenSecond Class citizenTransport Heritage NSW Greater Western Tour, Locomotive 3642

Nice scenery for a bit of a train trip in the second car.


Creative Locomotive

Creative LocomotiveCreative LocomotiveTransport Heritage NSW Greater Western Tour, Locomotive 3642

I thought I would go for something a little different and capture this old farm equipment (anyone know what it is?) while the Loco went past at Perthville.


Well that's it, hope you enjoyed. Always up for something a little different :)




Inspired Naturally(non-registered)
I prefer color. Black and white kind of overshadows some of the features.
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