It was such a beautiful day on Saturday. Felt like spring had arrived early, so I thought I would enjoy a drive and a view of this historic train from the 1930's. It was a tad slower than I thought, so I had a good opportunity to talk to some of the locals also waiting on the bridge just near Wimbledon. Apparently there is a local Koala that lives the the trees just near here. I have never seen a Koala around this region so I might have to head back sometime and have a look.
Old stuff always looks good in Black and White right? Would be interested to hear which one you prefer. Personally for this shot I prefer the colour, but for the remaining shots I have posted in B&W. Hope you enjoy.
Driving Locomotive 3642Transport Heritage NSW Greater Western Tour, Locomotive 3642
Now I am not a train person. I must say I was a little disappointed by the lack of steam.. There was a diesel engine on the back which I had heard was just to pull it back to Bathurst. But looking at this image it looks a bit suss. Like there is a little steam jet just behind the main chimney thing.. Is this a 'fake' engine? (clearly I know nothing about trains :) )
It was mesmerizing watching the way the wheels turned on this engine. Took this shot at 2000th of a second to freeze the action.
Second Class citizenTransport Heritage NSW Greater Western Tour, Locomotive 3642
Nice scenery for a bit of a train trip in the second car.
Creative LocomotiveTransport Heritage NSW Greater Western Tour, Locomotive 3642
I thought I would go for something a little different and capture this old farm equipment (anyone know what it is?) while the Loco went past at Perthville.
Well that's it, hope you enjoyed. Always up for something a little different :)