Broken DreamsOld windmill with canola fields in country NSW
Broken Dreams - Old windmill with canola fields in country NSW
Green and Gold - CanolaAerial Photo of canola fields in country nsw taken by David Roma
Green and Gold - Aerial Photo of canola fields.
SimplicityThreatening clouds over bright canola fields
Simplicity - Threatening clouds over bright canola fields
The Golden LifeRural property on a canola field with silos
The Golden Life - A 6 image panorama of the bright canola fields rolling green hills and a shed with silos.
On the movesarge's bulk haulage traveling through the endless canola fields
On the move - I took some shots with the truck in focus and motion blur of the landscape, but I prefer this shot where everything is clear taken at 1250th of a second. I love how the truck looks lost in a sea of yellow.
Standing tallWindmill with canola fields on a rainy day
Standing Tall - Windmill with canola fields on a rainy day.
Well that might do me for a while. Would love to know which one is your favorite...