Dr. Pepper product images

August 25, 2015  •  1 Comment

Dr. PepperDr. PepperDr. Pepper product shot with nice fresh water spray

Dr. Pepper product shot with nice fresh water spray. These shots were taken with 3 strobes. One behind for the for a rim light and to light the water droplets. A primary flash to light the front, and a fill flash on the right to light the shadows at a lower power. The image was shot remotely to get just the right timing of the water spray.


Tsunami of Dr. Pepper

Tsunami of Dr. PepperTsunami of Dr. PepperDr. Pepper product shot with wave shaped water spray

This one was take with a bunch more water from a wider angle. I love the wave looking shape of the water. Makes it look like a Dr. Pepper Tsunami..  So what do you think http://www.drpepper.com. Want to use this image in exchange for an unlimited supply of the drink that keeps me going?? :)



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