Rays of hope - Pulpit Rock, Blackheath, NSW, Australia

March 03, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Rays of hope - Pulpit Rock, Blackheath, NSW, AustraliaRays of hope - Pulpit Rock, Blackheath, NSW, Australia'God Rays' as the sun shines through the gaps in the cloud over the vally after the storm.

This was the view of the storm after it passed over looking to the north. As the solid storm clouds started to break up it allowed the sun to shine through the gaps making beautiful light rays contrasting against the dark black clouds. It was cool to see the light spots in the valley and correlate those to the gaps in the clouds above. I really enjoyed my little adventure out to Pulpit rock. I hope you have enjoyed the best of the many photos I took while there. Thanks for all the feedback, on the last couple of photos. Happy hump day!


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