The Coalition

January 03, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

Taronga Western Plains Zoo - Dubbo, NSW, Australia

Three Cheetahs sitting in a group (coalition) when one spotted me. Taken with my Sigma 150-600mm lens at Taronga Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo. I have been dying to try out my lens on something other than birds and kangaroos. What better spot than a trip to the zoo. It was a cracking hot 34 degrees that day, many of the animals were painting in the shade. I was panting too carrying my 13kg kit around. But its shots like this that make it all worth it. Such a beautiful animal and fast to boot. Would love to see one of these guys in full flight one day.

The CoalitionThe CoalitionThree Cheetahs sitting in a group when one spotted me. Taken with my Sigma 150-600mm lens at Taronga Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo


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